Sunday 17 August 2008

Fluctuations In PSA And The Use Of Antibiotics

� - A iI to four week line of antibiotic therapy is often exploited in patients with an elevated PSA to exclude inflammation as an etiology of the elevated level. This speak reviews the data regarding variations in PSA, etiology and the practice of antibiotic use.

Fluctuations in PSA ar anticipated as the concentration of PSA in prostatic fluid is approximately a million fold higher than in blood serum. To begin with, on that point are both lot-to-lot differences in PSA assays - as advantageously as method-to-method differences 'tween the methodologies used. As such, it's prudent to have a patient get their PSA measurements at the same laboratory on a consistent basis to avoid this variation. If one looks at the variation of the PSA test over a two week